Do you Value your Values?

A coaching client, Niki (name changed), came to me in January. Before I take on a client, we have an informal chat to see if we are a good ‘fit’. I establish an environment of trust so that my client feels they can be open, without the fear of being judged. Niki was confused and at place where she felt low on confidence, frustrated and restless. She was 27 years old and had been away from the corporate world for 2 years. She had spent 1 year of that travelling and discovering herself, and the other year working on her fitness. She came to me because her parents were pressurizing her to get back to work and felt she was wasting her time. Her boyfriend was pressurizing her to take their relationship to the next level (meeting his mum). Her brother was pressurizing her to work in PE again. On top of that, she was putting constant pressure on herself to lose more weight and when the scales wouldn’t budge, she would feel frustrated. Bottomline – she was being pulled in all different directions and felt helpless. She was unsure of what she wanted and felt a vacuum. And she couldn’t understand why. She was well off, had loving parents, loved her fitness regimen, had a great bunch of friends and a loving boyfriend. In fact, she felt guilty for feeling the way she did.

As a coach, I wasn’t there to give Niki advice. I was there to help her gain clarity on what she wanted to do and to work with her to create balance in her life. One of the first sessions we did was discovering her core values. This process takes a few hours and, for me, is something I do with all my clients. It is an extremely powerful process and the results are phenomenal.

Why is it so imperative that we know our core values? Our values serve as a compass, that can guide us in every decision we make. We may be successful or have a great job or a great bank balance, but if our core values are not being met, then we will feel an emptiness or vacuum.  As a coach, I don’t believe in superficial coaching, where you just set an outcome and then create  SMART goals. I want to get in deep and help a person identify who they are at their core. I believe that if we live a life that meets our values, we will be far more happy, fulfilled, successful and balanced. We won’t feel the vacuum.

Together we identified Niki’s top 10 core values and her top 3 were Challenge, Love, and Understanding.  I distinctly remember hearing a sigh of relief from Niki and could see the cobwebs of confusion clearing.  Identifying her core values suddenly enabled Niki to make sense of the way she reacted to people or situations. It allowed her to gain insight into what drove her and what path she needed to take ahead. It made her realise why she was feeling that vacuum – her values were not being met.

Jump forward to the present – Niki has learnt to bring her core values into her decision making process.  This has led to far more clarity in who she is and what she wants out of life and where she is heading.  There is more balance, harmony and focus in all areas of her life. The vacuum that once existed has gone and she is well on her way to achieving the life she wants.

Do you Value your Values?

by Sheila Navlakha

#ICF ACC Performance Coach  #Communications Expert #Extreme Impact  #Communicate with Power

Choose Your Battles Wisely

It’s tough letting go and not feeling angry, especially when someone says something to you or about you that you know to be untrue, unfair, judgmental or downright disrespectful. We make it a point to prove them wrong, either by words or through our actions. Sometimes it may work, but most times the other person is not willing to change their view; they are stuck with their perception of you or the situation.  That just compounds our feelings, making us more bitter, angry or hurt.

It’s difficult accepting negative feedback or any form of criticism, especially if it’s from someone with whom you already have a strained relationship. This negativity stays with us and just gets worse. Everything they do is perceived as a direct attack on you.  Whether what they said is true or not, is not the point. It’s the fact they actually said anything in the first place.  But hold on – can we or should we dismiss what they said? Are we even willing to consider that what they said may hold some truth? Should we take everything so personally? Or should we use it to grow and take it as an opportunity to change certain aspects of our behaviour?

In this entire process, who gets affected more? You or the other person? Is our need to prove them wrong really worth it? Over time, we may change our behaviour, based on their ‘truth’ or judgments. However, what this change is, is in our control – a change for the better or for the worse?

Even if we know that the other person is wrong – is it worth the fight or having the last word or proving them wrong? Sometimes it’s easier to just let go and not be bothered. Let them have their victory – how does it affect you? Sometimes, we are so absorbed in the fight that we lose sight of what we were fighting for in the first place. In the process, we become bitter, negative and cynical. We involve innocent bystanders and expect them to take sides. I am not saying that you should control your reaction, quite the opposite. Controlling only makes things worse. Any suppressed emotion will only get worse over time. Instead, learn to manage your emotions by asking the questions below. This will put things in perspective, and make you see the big picture, the consequences. Your reaction will be spurred on by facts, understanding, perspective and wisdom, rather than just ego and emotions.

Ask yourself these questions before you prepare to wage battle.

  • Is it really worth the effort I am going to put in?
  • What do I gain from this?
  • Why do I always feel the need to prove that I am right and others are wrong?
  • Is the other person’s opinion so important to me?
  • Am I willing to deal with the consequences of waging war?
  • Is there another way to tackle it?
  • How can I turn what they said as a learning?

Think hard before you decide to fight your next battle – is it worth fighting or is it just better to let it go and focus on more productive stuff. Is there another, less destructive way, of dealing with it? Instead of breaking relationships, work towards building them, by working on rapport and trust. Strained relationships, be it work or personal ones, will only hamper your success and happiness.


by Sheila Navlakha

# Communicationexpert #thinkconsequences #extremeimpact #coachingalwaysworks  #communicatewithimpact

The Pursuit of Unhappyness

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A client of mine was never happy. Let me rephrase that – he had moments of happiness, but these were short lived. His focus was always on how his life was not perfect. He had a good job but not a perfect job. He was good looking but not perfect looking. He was tall but not, according to him, the perfect height. He had a great apartment but not a perfect one. I asked him what perfection meant to him. It meant having more hair, a better smile. It meant having an apartment in an even more upscale area.  It meant having more money in the bank and working for the best company in the industry and not the second best.

I asked him if he had a good set of friends. He said yes, but he still didn’t have the perfect social life. I enquired further. He told me that he was lonely as he didn’t have a partner. He had put all his focus on getting good grades at college and then building a career and being the best, that finding a partner had not been on his list of priorities. He regretted not having invested time in a relationship.

As coaches, we raise awareness and focus ahead and towards positive action through a series of powerful questions. I asked my client what kind of a person he was attracted to. He showed me a few pictures of past crushes and of girls that were attracted to him. He was too shy to talk to the ones he liked and perceived to be perfect, and he didn’t really pay much attention to the ones who were attracted to him as he didn’t view them as perfect.  His unrealistic  pursuit of perfection had got him nowhere and on top of that, led him to unhappiness.


I had to deconstruct his idea of what perfection was and how it was never a viable option. In fact, one’s pursuit of perfection is at times an excuse not to take action. Any girl he saw as his idea of perfect, he never approached as he felt he wasn’t perfect enough. He would make excuses – why would she ever talk to me, or, she probably has a boyfriend.  I had to question his constant comparisons of himself to other people whom he perceived as more successful. The obsession with perfection and the constant comparisons had resulted in a very unhappy, young man. Gratitude did not even come into the picture. The glass was always half empty and never half full.

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Ironically, to the outside world, my client had it all – great looks, great job, great family and friends, great apartment and a great life. He also happened to have a great personality. However, his entire focus was on what he didn’t have, and so he was constantly miserable. His mind was focused on ‘if I had this, my life would be perfect’ As a result, he was unable to completely focus on his work. He was never fully present or mindful, and always on edge, as deep down he felt like a failure because he didn’t have what ‘they’ had or what would give him a perfect life.  As he had been stuck in this space for years, he had low self belief; it was how he was wired.

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As his coach, I had to work with him to change his pursuit of perfection to a pursuit of excellence in all areas of his life. How did I do this? By raising his EQ. By raising his awareness and shifting his focus towards having gratitude and appreciation for what he had and also for what he had achieved. By getting him to question his existing beliefs, judgments and perspectives and how they served him – did they benefit him or hold him back? By getting him to think ahead of what kind of life he wanted and what was important to him.

Coaching doesn’t give instant results. But with each session, there is heightened awareness and greater clarity on who you want to be and how you become that person.  Coaching helps you rewire yourself and identify, as well as achieve, what you truly desire in all areas of your life.

  • Think about how your thoughts are affecting you – your thoughts dictate your actions
  • Compare yourself with yourself and not others. Set your own benchmarks
  • Pursue excellence and not perfection
  • Practice gratitude every day


By Sheila Navlakha

#Communications Expert  #ICF ACC Performance Coach #Coaching always works  #Extreme Impact #Consistent, positive action is key




It takes GUTS!


I leave my building at 6.05am every morning to get to my yoga class. The streets are pretty empty, bar a few early morning walkers and joggers and the odd car and auto. However, there is one entity that is always there, every morning, come rain or shine. This is no ordinary entity. It is the all mighty, omnipresent entity that has no fear. It may be small in size, but since when does size matter?

This entity is the king of the jungle for it hath no fear. I have seen bigger entities swerve left and right to avoid hitting it. It holds that much power! You may be the driver of the biggest truck in the history of this country, but this little entity, with a powerful and fatalistic approach to life, refuses to budge.  It is there every morning, sitting on a speed breaker in the middle of the road, cool as a cucumber but mighty as a warrior.

Who said that the roads only belong to humans? At 6.05am every morning, the roads belong to this powerhouse of courage, bravery and stoicism – let me introduce you to GUTS!

And who is GUTS I hear you ask? Why, it is our local resident mutt. Nothing fazes this dog, and when I say nothing, I mean nothing! Speeding cars, errant drivers, rash bikers, garbage trucks. NOTHING! GUTS will stay put, regal as a king, as imposing as a mighty tyrant. This is his territory, and no one can mess with him! And let me clarify right now – that GUTS is for real – this ain’t no urban legend. In fact, he is what legends are made of!

#Hail GUTS!


Does Positive Thinking Really Work?


Positive thinking has been gaining a lot of traction over the last few years. But does it really work? 


I was with a client the other day and we were talking about reactions. She told me about how she had reacted to a situation more positively and that this marked quite a change for her. I asked her for details. As a coach, I like to probe deeper. This gives me and my client clarity and greater awareness and understanding of what they feel.

She went on to tell me about how she had gone out the entire day after Diwali with her husband and sister in law – let’s call her ‘A’.  Her sister in law had suggested that they all go out to the other sister in  law’s  – B – place, which was around half an hour away. It was already 10pm and my client had to work the next day. She knew it would be a late night and that the following day she would not be able to focus. She said no and her husband decided to stay back with her.

She spoke to her husband about how her sisters in law would think that she didn’t want to go and would think badly of her. She felt sister in law B may get offended as my client generally did not go to visit her that often. Her husband told her that his sisters would understand and that she should be positive. When I heard that word I sighed. My client said that she agreed with her husband and decided to be ‘positive’.  Somehow, I sensed that my client, in spite of being ‘positive’, still felt that her sisters in law would feel bad that she hadn’t visited. In fact, they would blame her for their brother also not going.

I asked her if she knew what her sisters in law felt or if she had told them why she couldn’t make it. She said she assumed they knew as it was obvious. What was there to say here? Or to clarify?

Reactions are not based on one incident. They are based on all the incidents before that. Each incident and subsequent reaction play a part. As my client generally didn’t visit her sister in law, the general assumption would be that my client wasn’t keen on building, let alone maintaining, a relationship with her.

When I mentioned this, she disagreed and said that she had spent the entire day with sister in law A, so why would she feel that she wasn’t making an effort?

I still got the sense that my client felt that her sisters in law would feel that she was disinterested.

Just thinking positively doesn’t work. The situation will still be the same unless you take action.  The feelings and misunderstandings will still be there unless you make an effort to change them. If you are in debt and are positive, will your debt go away? Positive thinking alone doesn’t change a situation – positive, consistent action does!

How could my client have handled this situation differently so that there was no misunderstanding? Through positive action – by communicating to her sister in law that she would have loved to have gone but an early start the next day meant she would have to decline. This would have at least provided a legitimate and valid reason for her not going – far better than just a no. Given the context and the history of the relationship, the sisters in law may or may not have believed her, but my client would have honestly communicated her reasons, rather that leaving the reason open to interpretation.

We tend to confuse being positive with giving someone, or a situation, the benefit of the doubt. Instead of being positive, it makes sense to positively act by seeing things from different perspectives and to communicate your feelings and reasons clearly. If you are truthful and honest, your true intentions will come through.

If you want to run a marathon and aren’t a runner, then just thinking positively won’t enable you to run the marathon – have faith and strong self – belief and positively take action. Be emotionally positive, see the glass as half full and not half empty. Focus on the good in people and situations more than the negative. Communicate or express your feelings openly and listen to others. Practice gratitude daily. Be compassionate, show empathy towards yourself and others. Have a vision and work towards it by taking small actionable steps every single day. All this will have a far greater impact on your life than just positive thinking.


Do you think about the Consequences of your Actions?


A client, Seema, spoke about how she had been a little stressed when her 3-year-old daughter started nursery school the previous week.   On day one she had dropped her daughter off at school and picked her up. Her daughter seemed very happy and was excited about going to school the next day. This time, she took the bus to and from school. When Seema picked her up from the bus stop, her daughter was very quiet.  Seema assumed she must have been tired. However, the following day her daughter refused to go to school and cried non-stop. When she finally calmed down, Seema asked her why she didn’t want to go. After a bit of prodding, her daughter told her that she was scared of the bus conductor. He had a beard and a dark complexion.  Seema did what she thought best – she went straight to school and got the bus conductor removed from that bus and replaced by someone who did not have a beard. Her daughter was fine going to school after that and Seema was also relieved. Problem solved – or was it?

I asked Seema if she could foresee any negative consequences of her actions. She could not. As far as she was concerned, she had done what was best for her daughter. There was a problem and she had dealt with the problem. I asked her to define the problem. She told me that the problem was the bus conductor. I prodded further. Did her daughter have a fear of dark, bearded men? Could that be the problem too? Seema did not think so. My next question – how would her daughter handle seeing another man who had a dark complexion and a beard – would she be scared? Would she burst into tears? Seema thought for a moment and said “yes, I think she would be scared.” We had now established that Seema’s daughter had a fear.  I asked Seema if this fear, if not addressed, would go away or get worse over time? Seema thought for a moment and said it would most likely get worse, but it was difficult to tell. Her daughter may outgrow it. Seema was right. Sometimes these fears disappear with age, but sometimes they get worse and end up as phobias. I asked her to think about the bus conductor – was it his fault that he was dark skinned? Did he know that having a beard would instil fear in her daughter?

My questions had made Seema see the issue at a deeper level and from a different perspective.  Would it not have made sense for Seema to address her daughter’s fear so that it no longer existed? Seema agreed and we worked on how to do this using NLP. We also worked on how Seema could remove prejudices from her daughter’s mind. Seema felt guilty about getting the bus conductor removed. She felt she should have been more empathetic towards the bus conductor, after all he had done nothing wrong.  I reminded her that she had done her best, and that her intentions were understandable – to protect her child. However, her reaction and subsequent action were not well thought out and did not take into consideration the long-term consequences.  If she felt the need to make amends, she could always go to the school and talk to them about getting the bus conductor re-instated.

It is always important to dig deeper and think about the root cause of a problem and then about the consequences of any action taken. Seema’s daughter didn’t fear the bus conductor, she feared the way he looked. By addressing this fear, Seema would have nipped a potentially larger fear, in the bud.  Once we think about the consequences of our actions, we will make more informed and better decisions on the course of action to be taken.

Judgment Doesn’t Come and Go

I belong to a WhatsApp group which consists of coaches. As coaches, we pledge to be non-judgmental and neutral. We pledge to be curious and open minded. Yesterday, there was a discussion on the group about attending a free seminar on how to grow your coaching business. Someone asked if anyone was going and that was the starting point of the discussion. There was a lot of speculation about how these free seminars are all marketing ploys and are there to only sell something. Another opinion was of the person conducting the free seminar and how he was a con artist. All this was hearsay. The critics had not been to the seminar before, they were merely speculating. People are entitled to their opinions but how much of this was based on fact or experience? How much of this was based on knowledge and understanding?

As a coach I was very surprised and disappointed with the tone and direction of the conversation, given that the group was full of coaches! It then got me thinking – how many of us put on a façade and pretend to be something we are not? How can a coach who exhibits this kind of attitude, be a true and effective coach? You are either judgmental or you are not. You don’t pick or choose, per your convenience. It’s a value you have;  it’s an intrinsic part of who you are.

In any profession, you will get those who live by what they preach, but sadly those are in a minority. Most people do not live by what they preach. Who are they fooling? Eventually their secret or true identity  will come out. And when it does, they will be greeted with mistrust and a lack of respect.

If we want to be authentic and true and effective and honest with who we are, then there has to be alignment between who we portray ourselves to be and who we are deep down. That is the only road to true success.


I was recounting a funny story the other day to a friend.  It was a true incident that had taken place last year on my birthday. My husband and daughter were taking me out to dinner to a fancy hotel.  I had announced to my husband that I was not carrying my purse with me. This was my indirect way of telling him not to forget his wallet!

We reached the hotel and the restaurant and were being escorted to the table, when my husband realised that he had forgotten…you guessed right – his wallet! He looked at me and I said “Well I told you I wasn’t carrying my purse, so now what?”

We spoke to the manager and explained our predicament. My husband put forward several possible solutions, PAYTM, online transfer etc. The manager could sense our discomfort and awkwardness. He told us that an online payment was fine and gave us a form to fill in.  My daughter and I were enjoying the freebies, papad and pickle. We ordered the food and waited.  My husband spent the next 15 minutes, frustratingly trying to fill out the form but there was some issue and it became quite evident that this was not going to work. At that very moment, we could see the waiters coming towards us with the food. I told them to go back and keep the food warm as there was an issue with the online transfer. I then told my daughter to eat more papad and pickle, as that could possibly be all we were going to get that evening!

My husband spoke to the manager, who then said “Sir, it’s ok. Just pay tomorrow.’ What had changed between when we first announced to him that we didn’t have any cash or cards on us, and now? We had built a rapport! The manager could gauge that we were honest and felt awkward with the entire situation and that we would pay him the next day (in fact my husband transferred the amount as soon as he got home).

We have been back a few times and the manager always gives us the best service and a complimentary cake! His great attitude is what has brought us back several times.  Ultimately how someone makes you feel is what you remember, and this manager made us feel special – what great customer service!

Building rapport is the first step to building a connection with someone. But there are so many times when rapport is not built. We feel awkward, shy or hesitant. What we perceive is what we project. Any negative emotion, such as arrogance, dishonesty, are immediately projected to our audience. And vice versa, positive emotions  are also projected. The manager could read us via our body language and words and tone. There was congruency. Having a great rapport with your audience is key if you want to live a life of abundance.

This sounds so obvious but most people, in all walks of life, professionally and on a personal level,  don’t get this simple truth or if they do, they can’t be bothered to invest the time needed to build rapport.   They don’t see the big picture. Some do see the big picture, but self limiting beliefs such as ‘They may not respond positively if I speak’, or ‘There’s no point, I won’t  gain anything by it’, holds them back. These beliefs, especially the first one, are present with almost all my clients when they first come to me.

Building rapport is a must. We thrive on emotions and having  a connect with people. Once you  have built rapport, then trust is established. Once trust is established, then your audience is more likely to do business with you, again and again and again. Even with your colleagues, boss, employees, friends, family,  if you have built strong rapport then they are more likely to be open to what you have to say and to listening. Having good rapport brings a sense of belonging, a basic human need, and with it comes a  lot of goodwill!

Invest time and effort in building good rapport with those around you. It will make your world that much better and more fulfilling!






The Silent Communicator

I love Mumbai for its warmth, energy and its moments of madness. Anything is possible in Mumbai and one is constantly surprised, as I discovered on this particular day!  I was in a rush and hopped into an auto. The minute I sat down and became aware of my surroundings, I was transported to my childhood. I felt as if I was in a fairground in England, surrounded by neon lights. It was surreal. There were bright lights on (it was evening and dark outside), and Bollywood movie hit songs playing in the background – I was travelling in a moving disco! I look around in awe. Above me were bright lights and behind me were photos of B grade movies!    There was everything a commuter could possibly need – pens, lighter, napkins, paper, toothpicks, first aid Kit, newspaper, sweets, sanitizer, water, mobile charging dock.  He also accepted visa and Paytm!  The child in me took over. I sat speechless and dumbstruck, absorbing this out of the ordinary auto that I was sitting in. The driver, Ranjeet Singh, I came to know, was quite the celebrity and had featured in a few newspapers.  He remained silent throughout the 5 minute journey, just doing his job of driving an auto. I was struck by his humility. I started recording the auto so that I could show friends. I was also giving a running commentary whilst filming, listing everything that was in the auto. Suddenly I heard a voice ‘TV’. I said, ‘Pardon me?’ in Hindi. He said, ‘You forgot the TV’. And yes indeed, I had forgotten the small TV above him.

What I then realised was that Mr Singh was a great listener and a great silent communicator. By uttering the word TV and by the way he had adorned his auto and his physiology, my impression of Mr  Singh was that he possessed great values – humility, compassion, modesty, humour, service,  calmness, generosity and creativity, amongst many others.   Values that play a huge part in being a successful and powerful communicator.

I must have told everyone I met the next day or spoke to, about him. Family and friends in England, Singapore, USA and Canada were all sent the video and wanted to experience what I had. They told their friends. Mr Singh, without even realizing it, had influenced hundreds of people across the globe who were in pure admiration of his creativity, humility and customer service. I reckon quite a few people in the service industry could learn a thing or two from Mr Singh!

When we interact with someone who communicates well, be it verbally or non-verbally, it leaves a deep impact on us. They leave us feeling energized, happy and upbeat. Their words or actions can help us take steps we never would have, they can give us the strength to move out of our comfort zone and take on challenges we never may have. They can fill us with the confidence, courage, energy, drive and belief to attain that goal that hitherto was unattainable. That is the power of being a great communicator; you influence those around you.

I felt energised after the ride. In fact, I was so charged up that I managed to finish a task I had been sitting on for ages!

Your actions speak a thousand words and here was living proof of that.  Thank you Mr. Ranjeet Singh for making my day and probably the day of everyone who rides in your auto!


It’s the Small Gestures that have a Big Impact!

I had attended a two day workshop at the Hilton Mumbai International a few days ago. I had never been to the hotel before but my first impressions were very good. As I walked up the step with my two bags – my handbag and one bag with my heavy folder and workbook – I was greeted with a bunch of smiles. A young, neatly dressed man, came smiling towards me and said he would run my bags through the scan machine. I handed them over to him happily and waited for him to scan them. He handed them back to me with a smile. Aaah – the power of a smile. It can change your mood in an instant. And his smile, coupled with a few more smiles from others, energised me.  My mood, which had been a little sluggish, was suddenly lifted.

I went to the room where the workshop was and put down my bags and hunted for a cup of coffee. I was greeted by another smiling young man. He made me my coffee and I asked him if he could find me some bananas to eat as I only ate sweet things on Sundays (this is my attempt to stay healthy!) and couldn’t therefore eat the muffins and pastries so temptingly laid out.  He said he would try and scarpered off.

Around 5 minutes later, he found me in the workshop room and handed me 2 bananas – with a smile.  I was touched that he made the effort. My impression of this hotel was getting better and better. During lunch, I longingly looked at the desserts but as it was a Saturday, I could not eat any.

At tea time, a thought struck me. What if I ask the pastry chef to make me an apple pie – my favourite dessert! There was no harm asking! I asked someone who the pastry chef was and whether I would be able to talk to him. Around 30 minutes later I saw a chef and asked him where Chef Abijeet was. He said he was Chef Abijeet. Yes – I thought!! I told him about my endeavor at staying healthy and that tomorrow was my sweet day. I then asked him if he could bake me a small apple pie ( I know this was cheeky of me but hey that’s me!). He asked me if I was a guest. I said I was not staying at the hotel but merely attending a workshop and the only meal I would be having would be lunch the following day.  He said he would try but was busy with a wedding function. I could tell from his body language that it would be difficult for him and so I told him not to bother and that I understood.

I had completely forgotten about the pie and was having lunch with other participants of the workshop. A young lady came towards and handed me a small apple pie. Imagine my surprise. I was really taken aback. I was so touched by this gesture that I was speechless for a few seconds – quite a rarity for me! And a few minutes later I spotted Chef Abijeet. I ran over to him and thanked him. He said he hadn’t baked it but had got someone on his team to do it. But what struck me was that he was not looking for acknowledgement. He almost looked embarrassed when I thanked him. This to me is true service. Oh – and the pie was delicious!

This entire incident got me thinking about what truly makes us happy and what things have an impact on us? Is it getting a new phone or a new outfit? Or is it when someone does something, however big or small, that shows they get you and care? It could someone smiling at you or someone carrying your bags. It could be someone opening the door for you or making you a cup of tea. It could be as simple as calling a friend or sending a birthday wish. It’s all about how you make someone feel.

These small gestures drive our emotions and make the world go round.  They show someone you care and isn’t that what it ultimately boils down to – feeling someone cares? And these small gestures can have a huge impact. They can form an impression and strengthen it. They can build trust and lead to a fruitful relationship. They can change your mood and make your day! The list is endless.

Never underestimate the power of a small gesture. What small gestures do you do that make a difference? Or what small gestures of others have had a big impact on you?